A must for all women.
What is the AVIVA Method and how does it work?
The sequence of the specific and rhythmical exercises of the AVIVA Method generate beneficial changes in the endocrine system in a natural way. While doing the exercises the related endocrine glands are stimulated for optimal hormone secretion. This way the balanced state of hormones of the body is created without the intervention of a doctor or a naturopath and without the application of any artificial or natural medicine.
The movement of the interior and exterior muscles of the pelvic area and those of the abdomen create a more intense blood stream which enables an elevated level of hormones, vitamins and oxygen to be transferred to the specific area, to the sexual glands and to the reproductive organs. The removal of toxins and unwanted elements from these areas becomes also quicker and this way an ideal environment is created for the healing.
Why is hormone balance important for our health?
Hormone balance is critical to our daily lives and our general health and well-being. The endocrine system is responsible for controlling a wide variety of body functions, such as controlling reproduction, metabolism, growth, and the menstrual cycle etc. Unfortunately hormonal disorders have been a frequent phenomenon, especially for the last decade. The endocrine system is characterized by interactions of hormones, so if one hormone is out of the normal range (the hormone level is too high or too low), the others will simply follow. There are many factors that can disrupt the balance of female and male hormones such as diet, environment, chemicals, lack of physical activity and stress. Fortunately hormonal imbalance can be treated naturally - without drugs and other medication - using the AVIVA Method, thus giving the body the opportunity of self-healing so it is able to create the balanced state at its own pace.
The ultimate series of 18 rhythmical exercises for women promotes natural hormone balance and hormonal health. The AVIVA Hormone Gymnastics provide natural therapeutical and preventive solutions in case of various gynaecological and menstrual problems, infertility and promote general well-being.
The specific exercises focus on the strengthening of muscles of the pelvic area and the pelvic floor. They could provide help in case of prostate problems, male infertility, erectile dysfunctions and urinary incontinence, they aid sexual functions and support hormonal health and the general well-being of men.
The pelvic floor muscle exercises help women with staying fit not only on the outside but also on the inside. The exercises strengthen the muscles around the pelvic organs, can provide relief in case of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapses (i.e. uterus, bladder), they aid sexual functions and speed up postpartum recovery.
The pregnancy exercises gently prepare the women's body for the upcoming changes that are to be experienced during pregnancy as well as for the labour itself. During the sessions we focus on our breathing and keeping the muscles fit by careful stretching, and strengthening movements and relaxation.
The story of the AVIVA Method
The AVIVA Method was developed by Aviva Gabriella Steiner, a Hungarian-born ballet dancer, physical education teacher and physiotherapist. As a little girl she was taught by her parents how to have control over her body by doing physical exercise and through proper nutrition. When both of them lost their lives in concentration camps during WWII, 16-year-old Gabriella was taken to Israel along with other Jewish orphan children in 1946. She graduated there at the College of Physical Education with a major in gymnastics and became the leading dancer of the Opera of Tel-Aviv.
After she stopped dancing she studied physiotherapy and became a therapist. She believed that it is possible for women to control their menstrual cycle through physical exercise so she kept on experimenting. Although originally she was looking for a natural tool for contraception she created much more than that: her exercises as we know them today enable women and men to treat and prevent many health problems that are related to the reproductive system.